Purchasing Department

Purchasing department is one of the most important Meridian Holding Company’s subdivisions.

The department opens the manufacturing and marketing process chain. The manufactured production and its competitiveness depends on the quality and price of purchased raw material. Success and volume of sales really depends on what kind of raw material is purchased.

The main purpose of the Department is to ensure the enterprise with an uninterrupted high quality production supply. The raw material’ situation is under control through every fishing country and every country that manufactures seafood products, through over the world. Before negotiating the contract the Department’s expert visits an exporter, thoroughly inspect the enterprise and the process of manufacturing, gives instructions to the producer as far as the quality of supplying raw material should be. And even the quality services and Chief Merchandise inspects the row materials before a dispatch. Without exaggeration, all of the raw material we get — passes thorough multi-stage quality control by the Department and outside experts and technicians.

Analytical and research activity is one of the most important part of the Department’ work. Fish an seafood are biological resource, its and development are determined by inherent to each species its own laws. To know the seasonal cycles of development and harvesting of fish resources is indispensible floods, droughts, changing flows also have significant impact on fish resource and ultimately — on state of the market.

Fish and seafood market is extremely specific. Only professionalism of experts, that combines deep knowledge and years of experience with their intuition, guarantees effective work. And this is the type of experts, who works in the Purchasing Depart.


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